You Are My One Thing预览

You Are My One Thing


Rivers of Joy

The song “Rivers of Joy” gives us a glimpse of the truths found in Scripture. Each of its verses can be found in the Bible.

The song declares, “There’s nobody like our God.” We start with the understanding that God is unique. There is no one like Him. Jeremiah 10:6 declares this. But the question is, who is God? Some of us think of Him as a Father, Protector, or Creator. You would be right; He is all of these things!

Some of us may think that God is a harsh judge and that He is angry or controlling. However, Psalm 145:8–9 says that the Lord is “slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” and “good to all.” There is no one like God, who is Love (1 John 4:8). His unchangeable love and mercy are nothing like anything we have experienced or will experience here on this earth.

What thoughts enter your mind when you think of God? Are they positive or negative? What does Scripture say about your thoughts?

Understanding the character of God is the beginning of joy. His goodness is where we find our joy. As we discover who God is, we shout with a heart that overflows with gratitude. We are so loved by God that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to overcome sin and death and give us true freedom. Jesus, the spotless Lamb who died and rose again for our sake, has truly overcome the world (John 1:5, 16:33). Jesus has broken every wall down (Ephesians 2:14). Jesus is the True Vine. In John 15:1–11, it is clear that living a life following Jesus completes our joy.

When Jesus died on the cross, He made a way for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, which we are told in Romans 8:9–11. In 2 Corinthians 3:17, Paul explains that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. We have freedom in the Spirit of the Lord, and our freedom gives birth to everlasting joy.

In God alone, we find our joy. Psalm 30:11–12 is a perfect example of why we shout, dance, and praise the Lord! When we understand who God is and what Jesus has done for us, we have no better response than to praise the Lord with everything we have. So, live today dancing in the rivers of joy the Lord has prepared for you!

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You Are My One Thing

God is worthy of our worship. This devotional plan, based on ORU Worship’s 2022 album, “You Are My One Thing,” will encourage you to grow in faith and be transformed as you reflect on God’s attributes and grace. Every day, the plan relates album lyrics to Scripture to help you revel in worshipping the Lord above all.
