Call Out to Me预览

Call Out to Me


It Was Not Planned That Way

I was totally excited as I held the plane ticket in my hand. I was going to meet the brother of the singer Xavier Naidoo in Bratislava! He had already told me I would be performing at a big festival....

But now I was lying on the floor in the bathroom and could only scream in pain. In no time I was on the operating table in the hospital. That was it. The dream was over. I had missed the flight and this great opportunity because of it.

"Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” (Psalm 50:15 NIV). This was one moment when I didn't want to call out to God, because I was so disappointed. Why had He let me get sick right then?

Since this problem also fell on my birthday, I was doubly disappointed. However, one of the gifts from my visitors was a book with an interview with Xavier Naidoo. My eyes fell on the first question: "Do you have siblings?" And Xavier answered this question in the negative.

Afterwards it came out that this alleged brother was a brothel owner who lured young women to himself. I didn’t want to think about what could have happened to me if I’d not become very ill. In the end, this surgery saved my life.

Even if you don't understand right now why you have to go through an unpleasant phase in your life, you can trust that God knows what He is doing. Even if you don't understand what's happening right now, God is fighting behind the scenes and giving you the victory!

Are you willing to continue to call out to Him and trust in your time of need? Let's pray together about this, "Lord, I don't understand my current situation and yes, I am disappointed. Nothing is going as planned. But today I still want to call out to You and say that I trust You to bring the best out of this phase! Thank You for that! Amen."

You are a miracle!


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Call Out to Me

‘The struggle is real’, is something we sometimes say. It’s meant to be funny, but for some of us, it’s less funny, and more real. In the midst of your trouble, who will you choose to call out to? Your addiction…your insecurities…or your God?
