5 Reminders of Your True Identity in Jesus预览

5 Reminders of Your True Identity in Jesus



A friend of mine in high school campaigned to be president of our state Beta Club. His slogan was, “Pick me.” While it did not seem creative at the time, I was thrilled to cheer him on.

Election day came, and our candidate took the stage. We jumped and cheered over blaring music, but our cheers were silenced at the sight! There was a giant nose on the stage—a dancing, giant nose! A dancing giant nose surrounded by several other dancers wearing nose T-shirts that said, “Pick me.” The crowd erupted into laughter—well, most of them did. A few teachers glared. Some people have no sense of humor.

Unfortunately, my friend was not picked, and it made both of us a little sad. Being picked for the team or chosen for an award feels nice, and, as nice as it feels to be picked, it feels equally awful not to be chosen.

One person does choose us no matter what we bring to the table: Jesus.

In John 15:16 Jesus says, “You did not choose me, but I chose you.” Get excited about that! Seriously, let out a cheer! He picked us! He chose us. He wants us to be with him forever, no matter what!

Jesus continues, saying he assigns his chosen people to go into the world and produce good fruit. He says he will lead those who follow him to do good things. There is also a promise attached to Jesus’s words: “Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you.” God is not a genie, granting us any wish we want. This verse says that if we are following Jesus, he will help us want what he wants.

Best. News. Ever!

We do not have to put on a show for God to make him like us more. He does not care if we make him laugh or bring amazing talent to the table. God is not electing people because of what we do. He chooses us because he loves us. He makes us more like himself, and he calls us to go into the world and love people as he loves us (John 15:17).

Remember, God has chosen us, and we get the honor of loving others alongside him.

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5 Reminders of Your True Identity in Jesus

Do you struggle with identity? Everyone tells you who you should be: influencers or a girl with a full social calendar and an Instagram-worthy life. But as a teenage girl and a Christ-follower, it is important that you remember who God says you are in His Word. Take the next five days to remember that the only person you are “supposed to be” is a child of God.
