Adam, the First Man Loved by God 预览

Adam, the First Man Loved by God


You Are Loved

God had no need to create. He is eternal and self-sufficient. Yet, He chose to place humanity within His creation to commune with Him.

He blessed Adam and Eve, providing them with nourishing food and a beautiful garden, a delight to the eyes and satisfying to the taste.

At the heart of this garden, God placed the ultimate testament to His love: the gift of free will. This was symbolized by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam didn't stumble upon this tree by accident or through exploration. Instead, this forbidden tree stood prominently in the garden's center, just as freedom stands at the core of God's love. Even before the tree was planted, God had already devised a remedy for Adam's potential disobedience. Jesus is described as the lamb slain before the world's foundation, underscoring the depth of God's love for us—a love that doesn't flinch from suffering and sacrifice.

Though Adam was molded from the earth, he was the object of God's affection, being made in His image. While Adam is a distinct being, he also symbolizes all of humanity as our forefather. Our bodies may return to the earth after death, but we are more than just flesh; we are more than mere dust. We are living souls, immortal spirits (though only God is truly eternal, having no beginning or end).

It was the breath of the Holy Spirit that brought life to Adam. We, too, are designed to be invigorated by God's presence. This is why prayer and worship are vital for our spiritual well-being.

How is your spiritual vitality? Are you gasping for air? Are you choking on the polluted atmosphere of this world?

If you ever feel unworthy to draw near to God, remember that He knows your frailty, yet He cherishes you. You are invaluable to Him. Allow yourself to be embraced by your Creator and Heavenly Father. Seek solace in His presence and be rejuvenated by His love.

God bless you,

David Théry

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Adam, the First Man Loved by God

When we talk about Adam, we often think of the fall, of sin. But Adam was created, wanted by God. He was the first man He loved. We can discover God through his story.
