Eight Responses to Meeting Jesus预览

Eight Responses to Meeting Jesus


King Herod wanted to get rid of Jesus

“Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him” (Matthew 2:13)

When the wise men from the east in Jerusalem inquired about the newborn King of the Jews, King Herod was horrified. If a new king had indeed been born, Herod's position was in danger! To prevent that from happening, he asked the wise men to give him a detailed report, “Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him” (Matthew 2:8). In reality, however, Herod planned to kill this potential rival. God prevented this by warning both the wise men and Joseph. All the baby boys in Bethlehem were killed, but Joseph, Mary and Jesus had fled to Egypt in time.

Herod wanted to defend his position as king at all costs. He wanted to remain in control! His behavior was cruel and horrible. But if we look honestly at ourselves, do we perhaps recognize the desire in our own hearts to want to be in control? Jesus Christ lays claim to our lives as our Lord and King. He is in charge! Do we accept that, or do we want to banish Him from our lives so that we ourselves can remain “on the throne”? The answer to that question is vital!

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Eight Responses to Meeting Jesus

When you meet Jesus, this changes your life. The Bible describes countless examples of this, and you may recognize it in your own life as well. This reading plan examines some of the encounters people had with Jesus when He was just a baby. Read these stories as a mirror to reflect on your own response to Jesus.
