Overcoming Habitual Sin预览

Overcoming Habitual Sin


You’re Not Alone

Genesis is a book of beginnings. It describes the beginning of the world and the beginning of humankind’s sad struggle with sin. After Adam and Eve’s act of disobedience, their hearts were affected. So were ours. We follow their story and take many of the same turns they did straight out of the garden. Like them, we are often tempted to disobey God when sin makes offers it can’t fulfill and promises it can’t keep. And again, like them, we default to hiding—from God and others—when we feel shame for our choices.

Hide-and-seek makes for a fun game when you’re a child. However, constantly hiding, day-in and day-out, to cover shame is no way to live. It can be incredibly lonely. But that’s what habitual sin often does. It leaves us feeling ashamed and alone. We think no one else struggles the way we do and that God is somewhere far away and angry with us. Both the idea that we are the only ones who struggle and the idea that God is far away and angry are harmful lies the enemy uses to keep us stuck in habitual sin. Let’s look at two truths to combat these lies.

First, you are not the only one who struggles with sin. Whether it’s lying, pride, lust, anger, envy, coping through food, drugs, or alcohol, everyone struggles with something. We all need the grace and forgiveness of God. The enemy lies to us, telling us that we are alone in our struggles; this often causes us to hide and isolate. The enemy wants you to struggle alone because he knows what happens when sin comes to the light. Bringing a sin struggle to a trusted friend or community can be one way we loosen sin’s power over our lives. Friends and mentors can offer prayer, accountability, and encouragement to help us overcome.

Second, God is not far away and angry when we sin. As Christians, we may deal with sin and temptation, but we are still children of God. Just like any good father, God doesn’t turn His back on us when we’ve made a wrong choice. As the Good Father, He meets His prodigal children again and again when we return, and He offers us grace. Our Father is kind, so run to Him when you struggle with habitual sin. He is not far from you.

Thought of the Day: When I feel tempted to hide my sin or isolate in shame, I will remember God’s character and the truth of His Word. I will reach out to Him and trusted friends for loving support. The enemy’s lies have been exposed, and I won’t hide anymore!

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Overcoming Habitual Sin

Many Christians become stuck in sin patterns and have little hope breaking free. This can lead to deep guilt, shame, and discouragement. In this three-day plan, you will begin a journey toward overcoming habitual sin by getting to the root of the issues through the power of Christ. Join us today.
