With Your God预览

The beautiful dance between enacting justice and waiting on God to execute justice in ways only he can often comes with a price of persecution. The Bible warns us of this. We must remember that even when we don’t get the justice outcomes we were hoping for, the Lord becomes a refuge for those who need shelter. The innocent will receive an eternal reward that only God can give.
We must remember that justice is never simply about right and wrong. It’s about knowing God and loving God’s creation. With God’s help, we strive for the dignity and resources all people need to flourish. But, there is something even more important than our physical needs, and that is the nearness of God. The Bible never promises that the fight for justice will be easy, but it does teach us that we will never be alone. In suffering and in chaos, in pain and in heartbreak, in this life and the next, God is with us.
Reflection Questions:
In Psalm 37, God promises to be with those who need justice. Thinking of God’s presence, how can you replace your anger with hope?
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice/righteousness, for they will be satisfied.” Take a moment to let God satisfy you with his presence.

This week we finish our journey through Micah 6:8 as we learn how to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. This plan is part 4 of 4 from the Feed God and Justice series.