How to Dream Brave With God预览

How to Dream Brave With God




Often, not long after God deposits an inkling of His dreams for your life inside you, your world may start to unravel.

Your loved ones object and think you’re crazy. Your boss deters you from quitting and instead offers you a promotion. You start to get cold feet and wonder if you might have heard God wrong.

Friend, if that’s you, that’s perfectly normal.

When I first shared my desire to serve in a developing country to my parents, the objections were harsh. After all, how could it be safe for an eighteen-year old girl to travel alone to a country that was shaking with political instability?

A part of me began to quote Scripture like “‘Honor your father and mother’—which is the first commandment with a promise—‘so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth’” Ephesians 6:2–3 (niv). I wanted to convince myself that the path of least resistance was right. After all, how could it be wrong to obey my parents?

But little did I realize that in this instance, God was calling me to a deeper yieldingness, of learning to submit to my heavenly Father above my earthly parents.

As a young believer, I did the only thing I knew to do—simply talk to God about my desires. If this was His will, I needed His affirmation amidst the objections around me.

What we must recognize is the truth of Ephesians 6:12 (nkjv), that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Our warfare is a spiritual one, and thus can only be overcome by prayer.

Instead of justifying why you’re convicted to pursue your dreams to your loved ones or boss, getting caught in arguments or pushing against roadblocks, why not pray? After all, if you can trust our God to move mountains to bring the impossible to pass, can you not trust Him to pave the way ahead?

So pray I did. Night after night, whenever my father reemphasized his objections, I brought my tears to my heavenly Father. Weeks later, how shocked I was when my father returned home with a look of bewilderment on his face; in his small company of five staff, one of them knew of a returning missionary from Nepal who offered to meet my dad to reassure that she would look out for me while I was there. My pre-believing father said, “Wow, it seems like things are working in your favor.”

I could not believe it, but he eventually sent me off with his blessings. And that mission trip changed my life forever.

Friends, if you meet with resistance as you pursue your dreams, don’t be surprised. Push through these challenges not with brash words of defense, but in the secret place of prayer. Surround yourself with prayer partners and mentors committed to discerning God’s best for your life. Get on your knees and pray. As you receive words of prophecy, visions, and dreams from Him, record them in a notebook. Let God be the one to affirm your steps forward.


In my journey toward fulfilling the dreams God has placed on my heart, what kinds of objections and setbacks have I faced?

What can I do to allow God’s affirmation to be the one I seek the most?


Dear God, in my journey to fulfill your plans and purposes for my life, I’ve struggled with setbacks and opposition. I am wrestling with discouragement. Today, I declare my trust in your ways to help me overcome any spiritual warfare. Would you send me your word, friends, and loved ones to affirm my calling in you? Reveal to me signs to affirm my steps forward in you. Amen.

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How to Dream Brave With God

Do you struggle with pursuing your dreams? A part of you wants to “dream big” for God. Yet, another part of you struggles to discern His dreams for your life, amid all the distractions that shout at us to "dream bigger!” This study will help attune your heart to God's dreams for your life so you can step out in faith to bravely pursue all He has called you to.
