Excellence as a Way of Life预览

Excellence as a Way of Life


With Your Whole Heart

As believers in Christ, we are called to live a life of excellence in all we do. This means that we should strive to do everything with our whole heart, giving our best effort and attention to detail. Daniel 6:3 shows that Daniel became distinguished above all others because of his excellent spirit. This excellence did not come from his position or title but from his approach to his work and commitment to God.

Excellence is only associated with leadership and corporates. It is pursued by leaders to lead their organisations, their families, and their partnerships. But it is way more connected with the supreme Creator. Excellence is exemplified not only by God our Father and the Lord Jesus, His Son, but also by His followers. It is also expected in us as His disciples.

God, who has created all of us differently, has given us the power to perceive everything differently. Because of these differences, we all have our own perception of excellence, so we define excellence differently. So, tell me, what does Excellence mean to you?

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, as Beethoven composed music, or as Shakespeare wrote poetry.” Whatever we do in our life, be it in our career or personal lives or for others, we should strive to do our best. The measure of our success should not be attached to a particular career or what we earn but to our character and our commitment.

Excellence is not just about achieving success in our careers or personal lives, but it is about being faithful stewards of the gifts and abilities that God has given us. As Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." This means that we should approach our work as if we are doing it for God Himself and not just for the approval or recognition of others. We must do everything entrusted to us with a 100% commitment or wholeheartedly. My personal conviction is that if anything is worth doing, it is worth doing with all our commitment, wholeheartedly or not.

Excellence is also about developing our character and cultivating a spirit of integrity. Proverbs 22:29 says, "Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings and not before officials of low rank." This means that when we do our work with excellence and integrity, we will be recognised and rewarded for it.

In conclusion, let us strive to live a life of excellence with our whole hearts, giving our best effort in all we do. Let us approach our work as if we are doing it for God Himself and not just for the approval of others. And let us seek to cultivate a spirit of integrity so that we may be recognised and rewarded for our efforts. May God help us to be excellent, just as He is excellent. Amen.

Father, help me to be excellent just as You are excellent. Amen

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Excellence as a Way of Life

When we live a life of excellence, we become a powerful influence for Christ in the world. We bring in the hidden and visible components of excellence that make us the salt and light of the world. As we desire to excel, may we add divine flavor, bring healing, create a thirst for Christ, serve as preservatives, and permeate the system.
