Psalms - Wisdom for Life预览

Psalms - Wisdom for Life


Have you ever done a group project at school? Maybe it’s in science class, and your teacher divides everyone up into groups. Together in your group, you have to complete a project. You split up the work, and each person has a section to do. There’s usually someone in the group who doesn’t do their share. Everyone else pulls together, and just in the nick of time, the project is done. When you present the project in class, guess who usually ends up taking all the credit? That’s right! The person who didn’t do the work! Ha!

Without God, you and I can’t do a thing! He’s the one in our group project that has done all the work! It’s through Jesus that we have been forgiven. It’s through Jesus that we have been given gifts and talents to do great things. Without Jesus, we’re nothing! We need to give God the credit and give Him the glory! David wrote in many Psalms, giving God glory and praising His name.

Often, people only turn to God in the tough times and hard seasons, but what about the good seasons? We should give God the glory and praise Him for who He is and what He’s done for us. We can give God glory when great things happen. When we win a soccer game, when we have a great day at the beach, and when we make a new friend or find something important that we had lost. No matter how big or small, God gets the glory!


按日 14


Psalms - Wisdom for Life

We can find wisdom for life in the pages of the Bible and one of the most well-known wisdom books, Psalms. Through the life of David, who wrote many of the Psalms, discover that this book is more than just a collection of poems. It shows us how to praise God with a thankful heart, to trust Him in troubled times, and that we have victory in Jesus' name.
