The Unhurried Life by Anthony Thompson预览

The Unhurried Life by Anthony Thompson


Day 1: The Perils of Rush - Learning from Hong Kong

Scripture: Ephesians 5:16 - "Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."

Before we dig into this devotional, I need to share a few things about my dad. My dad is the king of someone who LIVES out what an “Unhurried Life” can look like.

Robb Thompson is the king in this area.

He’s rarely on time but always seems to arrive at the right time. He is slow - I am fast. He methodically analyzes situations - I take action. He walks slowly - I walk fast.

So when I started to get a nudge to write a devotional about an “Unhurried Life,” my awareness began to peak.

Ha, I could feel the Lord knockin’ on the door of my heart. I was like, “Yeah, I need to write about this. Now!”

I mean, the scriptures do say, “Be still and know that I am God.” My argument was always, “How am I supposed to get anything done if I’m just being still? If all I do is wait on the Lord, then what?”

For those of you who are FAST movers, I hope to bring you into the pace the Lord has for you. I want you to read and reflect on God’s Word for it to truly transform your mind, your decisions, and your emotions.

Let me start with a story about my dad and his friend while they were traveling through Hong Kong airport.

Picture yourself in the bustling and gargantuan Hong Kong airport, the scene vivid with the hustle and urgency common to such places.

My dad and his friend were looking to catch a late-night flight.

They were behind schedule, a very common thing for my dad - but not for his friend traveling with him. There was a heightened sense of urgency as it was the last flight, and my dad’s friend had a speaking gig the next morning. They HAD to make this flight.

If you have been to Hong Kong airport, you know it’s one of the largest airports in the world. It’s absolutely gigantic. It’s a common practice for many to hire an airport taxi to get from one gate to another.

On this particular trip, they could not locate an airport taxi. My dad’s friend was VERY worried so he began to jog toward the gate. This man was not in shape and was almost 60 years old.

Nevertheless, he continued to jog while my dad just walked. As my dad’s friend continued to jog, he began to sweat. So now he is not only worried about missing his flight, but he’s frustrated at my dad for his lack of urgency. He thinks my dad doesn’t care about missing the flight.

My dad’s friend finally arrives to the gate. He checks in and takes his seat. He’s relieved to be on the plane but irritated at how sweaty he is for an international flight. He’s pretty ticked off. He also notices people are still boarding the plane, which makes him more perturbed.

Shortly after, my dad arrives at the gate. He checks in and takes his seat next to his friend. He can tell his friend is still frustrated but says, “Hey, how are you doing?”

His friend retorts back, “I’m fine,” and then says, “I wish this plane would leave sooner.”

Moments later, my dad’s friend reaches for his black briefcase that he was carrying to find a book only to realize - it wasn’t there. He panicked.

He quickly realized in his rush to get to the gate that he had left his briefcase with all of his work at the security checkpoint. In his HURRY to get to the plane, he lost everything he needed for the following day.

Could you even imagine what that would feel like?

Can you remember a time when the consequences of hurrying cost you something significant?

There’s a quote I once read that said, “Infinite patience brings immediate results.”

That quote hit me like a ton of bricks. As I reflected on the times I had hurried, awareness flooded in my mind. I was reminded of so many instances where the consequences of hurrying cost me so much - too much.

What about you?

When you hear the scripture, “Be still and know that I am God,” what does it speak to you? Even right now.

I know for me, I discovered hurrying stemmed from a lack of trust in the Lord. I would force things in my business or home because of my lack of trust in God.

This isn’t to say you do nothing. It is to say that the Lord KNEW you before you were born. He knows what you need and when you need it.

He is the best Father anyone can have, and he knows what you need.

Take a moment to reflect:

  • Sit back for a moment. Can you recall a time when your hurry led to an oversight? What were the consequences? How did it make you feel afterward?
  • In your daily life, how do you balance the urgency of tasks with the need for mindfulness? Do you find yourself often caught in the whirlwind of haste?
  • What steps can you take to ensure that in your rush, you don't lose sight of what's essential? It could be a simple habit or a change in perspective.

Affirmation: "Today, I choose to embrace each moment with mindfulness. I will balance urgency with awareness, ensuring I don't overlook life's vital details."

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The Unhurried Life by Anthony Thompson

Dive into "The Unhurried Life," a 5-day devotional journey blending biblical wisdom with the tranquility of mindful living. Explore themes of patience, presence, and purpose through compelling stories and scripture, from Hong Kong's rushed terminals to Joseph's reflective resilience. Uncover the power of slowing down, embracing each moment, and finding God's peace amidst life's hustle.
