The Sound of Victory (Living a Victorious Life Devotional)预览
Day 13: Truth!
Jesus called the Holy Spirit, the “Spirit of Truth”, and the devil, “A liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44.) That makes things pretty simple. God only works with truth and the enemy only works with lies. We should want to build our lives on truth because no one believes a liar. The only problem is that the devil is pretty good at making lies SOUND like truth. Sometimes it’s really hard for us to tell.
A pretty big thing to remember is that the Bible says that the world around us is under the devil’s influence without even realising it (Ephesians 2:2.) That means that so much of what people do and how the world works is based on lies and not truth. To live in victory, we can’t afford to just go with what everyone else does or thinks, or the things we see on social media. We need the truth! We need the light switched on so we can see what’s really going on. Thank God, He has given us the Bible! His Word is the truth and the light that helps us see everything around us properly.
There’s people who work in banks who are trained to be able to recognise fake notes/bills. The thing is, they don’t get good at it by looking at all the fakes. They do it by looking at the real deal. They know the true ones so well that the fake ones become obvious and that’s a key for us too!
When we get to know God’s truth, the lies of the enemy start to stand out. We don’t get caught up believing something that feels or sounds okay but doesn’t line up with God’s Word. When we do this, we can walk in the victory of God’s truth!
The Bible says in Romans 5:17 that through Jesus we can “reign in life.” Jesus also said that He came to give us life in all of its fullness. Jesus died and rose again so that you could live in victory. He won so that we could win WITH Him… not defeated, not down, not lacking but free, strong and victorious - getting better every day!