Real Conversations (Luke 8-10)预览

Real Conversations (Luke 8-10)


As you read these verses, perhaps like me, you sang the childhood song in your head.

“Hide it under a bushel, no! I’m gonna let it shine.”

So many memories flood my mind as this song plays through my thoughts, culminating in a chorus of questions: Have I let my life shine? Have I hidden my faith in insecurity and apprehension? Does my “light” even matter? How does a person, truly, let it shine?

One way we can begin is to list the talents and blessings God has given us. As we consider these many blessings and abilities, let’s think about how we can use these gifts to serve or bless other people. How does the Lord want you and me to use the things He has given us to minister to those around us?

Perhaps we have the gift of teaching. Are we using that gift? We could teach a LifeGroup or Bible study class.

Maybe we’re blessed with a large home. Are we opening it up for people to gather and fellowship together? Perhaps the Lord has given you a beautiful voice and the ability to sing.Don’t keep that talent to yourself! Volunteer to serve on the church Worship Team, in Student Worship, Kids’ Worship, which includes our Preschool Choir! Letting our light shine means we share our God-given gifts in service to others and to bring glory to God!

No matter how God has gifted us, let’s not hide it or cover it up! Let’s be vessels of service and ministry to others in the name of Jesus.


Father, please reveal the gifts and talents You have given to me and allow me to use those gifts to bring glory to You.

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Real Conversations (Luke 8-10)

Alongside daily Scripture reading and devotional content, the Prestonwood Women’s team invites ministry leaders to have conversations rooted in the Gospel of Luke.
