Baptism in the Holy Spirit预览

Baptism in the Holy Spirit


Why will we receive the power of the Spirit?

Jesus tells the disciples that they will be His witnesses, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit was talked about in that context that’s why we can see that the primary goal of the Holy Spirit is to witness about Jesus.

When Jesus is taken up into heaven and the disciples go to Jerusalem, they stay there in the upper room, praying in one accord, waiting on the promise of the Father. Then the day of Pentecost comes and all are filled with the Holy Spirit. They started speaking in other tongues and everyone could understand them in their own language (Acts 2:1-12).

Remember, the promise was: you will be My witnesses.

In Genesis 11, everyone in Babel was scattered and their language was confused, but now by the Holy Spirit the Gospel was made available to the whole world. Every one of them heard them speak with tongues of fire in their own language, in which he was born, about the mighty works of God.

A historical moment in history!

Now that’s a testimony!

What to think of Peter who first said without the Holy Spirit, without power:

Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You (in Matthew 26:35). But he was afraid and denied Jesus three times! (Mark 14:72)

But when Peter received a tongue of fire, when the power of the Holy Spirit, the promise came over him, that previously terrified Peter suddenly became extremely bold. He explains the whole Gospel based on the old scriptures. Peter was full in the power of the Holy Spirit, he was in the fullness of God.

Something happens when we get the power ‘upon’ or ‘over’ us. You receive boldness to share the Gospel, to be a witness to others. With that power you will see results, just like Peter and the disciples saw three thousand people repent and be baptized. Three thousand people received the promise of the Holy Spirit that day! They received the power!

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Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Is there such a thing as the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Of course! How it differs from the receiving of the spirit and where you can find it in the Bible, you can read in this plan. You will also learn why we receive the Spirit and what the effects are.
