What Successful Executives Do Differently预览

What Successful Executives Do Differently


What Successful Executives Do Differently: Part I

In a Harvard Business Review video, leadership consultant, Ron Carucci, claims that 50-60% of executives fail in their first executive role. Ron studied successful executives to find what they did differently from those who didn’t succeed.

Carucci discovered four key factors that we’ll discuss this week.

The first factor is BREADTH.

New executives tend to have a narrow view of business. They are accustomed to the limited responsibilities of a single employee. However, as an executive, they have to be prepared for all of the aspects of a business. Understanding the whole picture of any organization is critical in having the breadth of knowledge necessary to make wise decisions.

The Apostle Peter had a hard time seeing the big picture. In Matthew 16:23, Jesus said to Peter, “You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.”

In this passage, Jesus had just declared he was to be crucified and Peter had responded that he would not allow it. Jesus called Peter a stumbling block because Peter was only focused on how to protect Jesus and not how to better the world at large.

Similarly, new executives have to be careful not to focus on protecting only the small things but also on protecting the vision of the business. In your leadership role, seek understanding about all aspects of your organization.

Questions for Reflection

  • If you are entering a new executive role, what are your new responsibilities? What aspects of the business do you not understand? Who can you ask for help?
  • Do you tend to focus more on details or more on the big picture? How might you assure that you pause to consider the big picture before making significant decisions?
  • What are your long-term goals, not just in business but in life? Are you focused on your goal or on the small wins and losses now? What could you change to better prepare for your future?
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What Successful Executives Do Differently

If you are entering a new executive role, what are your new responsibilities? What aspects of the business that you do not understand? Who can you ask for help from?
