The Power of Trust in Your Faith Journey预览

Trust in Community: Don’t Go Alone, Go Together!
In reflection of my childhood memories, playing with my siblings and cousins after school and during the summers roam freely in my mind. From kickball, hide and seek, and building forts, we planned how we wanted to spend our free time and accomplish all the adventures we set out to do. However, these plans were all contingent on one thing….finishing our chores. With everything we had planned, chores often stood in the way of our pursuit of adventure. Though we knew the chores our parents had set out for us in advance and that the promise of play was on the other side, it became easy to grumble and complain about what we had to do. Even more so, if one of our tasks took longer than someone else’s, it created more stress to try and complete it. Sometimes, this resulted in us missing out on all we had planned due to a lack of focus, complaining, and frustration. Well, what we eventually learned was that instead of tackling our chores alone, it was better for us to work together to complete our chores, so we could finish faster and all be free to enjoy the fun we longed to experience.
We see a similar depiction in the book of Judges. At the beginning of the Book of Judges, we find the tribes of Israel have lost yet another fearless leader, Joshua. However, before his death, Joshua has given each of them instructions to take their inheritance and drive out the inhabitants of the land of Canaan. God then instructs the tribe of Judah to go first in fighting with the Canaanites. Though the tribe of Judah is considered the strongest and largest of the tribes, they make a genius decision to ask the tribe of Simeon to join them in their fight against the Canaanites in return for their support in helping them conquer their land. As the chapter goes on, we find that the tribes of Judah and Simeon were both successful in driving out the inhabitants of their promised land. However, we also find that the other tribes attempt to take their inheritance and drive out their inhabitants with little to no success (Judges 1:19-36). As much as their inheritance was promised to them, their failure to follow God’s instructions and unwillingness to ask for help stood in the way of them obtaining it.
Much like the tribes of Israel, God has given each of us a promise and inheritance as his children. Galatians 3:29 says, “And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to the promise.” This promise and inheritance include new life, peace, provision, protection, and so much more! However, it also requires that we get rid of the things that stand in the way of receiving it. In Ephesians 4:22-32, the Apostle Paul instructs us to get rid of our old selves, deceitful desires, anger, bitterness, and anything that saddens the heart of God. When God called the tribe of Judah to possess the land and drive out the inhabitants, they not only answered the call but also immediately called upon their fellow tribes so they could conquer their land together. Oftentimes, when we step into the awareness of the promises God has for our lives when faced with the task of possessing what is ours and driving out the things or issues that stand in our way, we assume we must do it alone. This can result in delay and failure to obtain all God has for us. However, if we are in fellowship with others who are in Christ, we are given the opportunity to join forces in conquering the issues that seek to occupy and stand in the way of our inheritance and walk in victory.
So today, I encourage you to embrace the idea of conquering together. Ask God to increase your awareness of His promises and reveal the areas you need to address in your life. Be encouraged that God has provided strategies in His Word for you to receive His promises and walk in victory. And remember, don’t go it alone—seek out like-minded believers who can support you, and offer your support in return. Together, we can achieve all that God has for us.
Reflection Questions:
- What has God promised and spoken to you according to His Word?
- What in your life (sin, habits, behaviors, perspectives, etc.) stands in the way of you receiving it? Ask God to reveal these areas and help you address them.
- Who are the fellow believers you can connect with to support each other in conquering obstacles and walking in victory?
Devotional Written by Minister Yanina James

Trust, Endurance, Community, and Rest are all hard principles to maintain in a culture that pushes us to be independent and self-sufficient. This devotional will walk you through each of these biblical principles and show you how you can cultivate trust in life, throughout your faith journey.