Marriage & Family预览

Marriage & Family


It begins and ends with Him

Luke 3:23–38 details the genealogy of Jesus. Some of the names I’d never heard of before (Eber, Reu, Melea etc.); however, some of the men listed are very well known – Adam, Noah, Abraham, David, Joshua etc. These men loved God, found favour in the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6), and were men after His own heart (Acts 13); however, they were still human – mistakes were made, repentance and humility were needed, families were fractured and broken.

Life can be messy and the enemy of our soul is on a mission to fill us with shame, fear, doubt, and confusion in an attempt to distract us from our true, godly heritage! The words of Ephesians 1:5 tell us who we are – in love, predestined for adoption to sonship through Jesus, according to His pleasure and will!

How amazing is this, that we have been PREDESTINED for adoption, that He knew before we were born, that He wanted us as a part of HIS eternal family – regardless of our family situation here on earth.

If you’re looking at your family line and worrying or doubting His mercy and grace, or maybe you’re on your knees interceding for your child, family member, or friend; just remember their heritage and yours is the same as Jesus’. It begins and ends with the Lord your God!


按日 6


Marriage & Family

Whether you’re living alone, married with no kids, or your house is full of children and extended family members, living in the community of marriage and family can be challenging at times. But take heart, you are not alone! Be encouraged by this plan as it reminds you that God is with you, and that He has a plan and a purpose for your life!
