Authentic Serving预览

Humbly and Quietly
Sometimes, the time for talking is done. There are no more words to be said. We just need to serve; to do our duty. John 13:3-5 paints this picture of quiet, humble service. Jesus doesn’t announce Himself. He doesn’t point anything out. He doesn’t explain. He just serves. His was authentic service.
In Luke 22 we see what the disciples were doing when Jesus began to wash their feet. They were arguing over who was the greatest. Jesus gets up. But He wasn’t like, Knock it off! or What’s wrong with you? He just stood. And served.
I want to point out the verbs in John 13:3-5.
Rose. Laid. Took. Girded. Poured. Washed. Wiped.
Jesus went to work. Without a word, quietly, humbly, He began to serve.
Then in verse 12 John says, “When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, ‘Do you understand what I have done to you?’” It’s almost a question of desperation. It feels like He’s implying, Guys, time is running out here. And you were just arguing about who is the greatest. And this is it, do you understand?
He then said, “ I . . . have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” Jesus gave this example. We are to serve one another. Do you get it? Authentic serving is faithful serving when we are the busiest, when we would rather do something else, when no one notices, or pays us back. But we do it anyway.
Prayer – Thank You for Your Word. Help me do what it actually says. It tells me to serve faithfully. Father, I pray You would immerse me in a new season of authenticity. I want to be a genuine, faithful, sincere follower of Your great Son, Jesus Christ. So as I respond to Your Word now, I pray You would help me in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sometimes, the time for talking is done. There are no more words to be said. We just need to serve; to do our duty. John 13:3-5 paints this picture of quiet, humble service. Jesus doesn’t announce Himself. He doesn’t point anything out. He doesn’t explain. He just serves. His was authentic service.
In Luke 22 we see what the disciples were doing when Jesus began to wash their feet. They were arguing over who was the greatest. Jesus gets up. But He wasn’t like, Knock it off! or What’s wrong with you? He just stood. And served.
I want to point out the verbs in John 13:3-5.
Rose. Laid. Took. Girded. Poured. Washed. Wiped.
Jesus went to work. Without a word, quietly, humbly, He began to serve.
Then in verse 12 John says, “When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, ‘Do you understand what I have done to you?’” It’s almost a question of desperation. It feels like He’s implying, Guys, time is running out here. And you were just arguing about who is the greatest. And this is it, do you understand?
He then said, “ I . . . have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” Jesus gave this example. We are to serve one another. Do you get it? Authentic serving is faithful serving when we are the busiest, when we would rather do something else, when no one notices, or pays us back. But we do it anyway.
Prayer – Thank You for Your Word. Help me do what it actually says. It tells me to serve faithfully. Father, I pray You would immerse me in a new season of authenticity. I want to be a genuine, faithful, sincere follower of Your great Son, Jesus Christ. So as I respond to Your Word now, I pray You would help me in Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you are burnt out or opting out, you are missing out. Serving Christ is both a command and a privilege. So why do so many feel discouraged, disappointed, or disengaged in ministry? Find the answers and cultivate a heart that yearns to serve the King. Let His loving example inspire you to serve others—and receive the blessings of following Christ.
We would like to thank James MacDonald and Walk In The Word Ministries for this plan. For more information, please visit