Sharing Your Story预览

Sharing Your Story


Once, while visiting the United States, I ordered a piece of cake. When it arrived, I noticed there was no cutlery. In my British accent, I asked the waiter for a fork. He frowned at me, confused.

‘Have you got a fork?’ I repeated.

‘A what?’

‘A fork, you know, like a spoon with prongs for eating cake.’

We got there eventually, but it would have been much quicker if I had used an American accent.

Stories are a powerful way to communicate because they explain concepts in relatable ways. In Acts 22, Paul uses his story to connect with the crowd. He speaks Aramaic, and he tells the crowd what he used to be – a zealous student of the law, like them, and a persecutor of Christians. He knows where they are coming from.

Sharing our story is a great way to help people relate to Jesus through our experiences. Our commonalities build bridges, encouraging them to relate to us and hear about a God who saves people like them. Using language that they can relate to is important. Sometimes Christians use religious language that confuses or alienates people who aren’t used to it. If you want to use a word like ‘sin’ or ‘grace’, can you give a brief explanation of what you mean by it?

Acts 22 isn’t the only time Paul shares his story. He also shares it in Galatians 1 and Acts 26. The response he gets is different each time. In Acts 22, the crowd is outraged. Sharing the story of God’s work in your life is a brave act of worship, no matter how it is received. You are not in control of how people respond to you, and you can not measure your faithfulness in evangelism by what others do, but by what you do.

Paul’s encounters with Jesus motivate him to offer good news to those who hate him. Today you have an opportunity to meet with Jesus, for your heart to be delighted and satisfied in Him. If you do, you’ll have a story to tell.

Lord, meet with us today and turn our lives into stories that celebrate you.

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Sharing Your Story

God is at work in our lives every day. We have so many stories to tell. Our stories build bridges that help people relate to the gospel, they remind us to rely on His power, not our own, and they stir up our hearts in praise. Check out this short plan for some inspiration to share your story.
