Environment: 30 Days for Creation's Caretakers预览

Environment: 30 Days for Creation's Caretakers


Consider that the very same God who set the earth into orbit and knit you together in the womb has entrusted you with the responsibility to manage his intricate creation. You are not a mere speck of dust in this vast creation. You are a "ruler," a steward, a manager in trust of, over all that God has made. And you have been crowned with "glory and honor" (Ps 8:5-6) in this divine appointment. Human beings--created in the divine image--are the only creatures that God entrusted with the mandate and the capacity to unleash and harness creation's potential (see Ge 1:26-29).


Environment: 30 Days for Creation's Caretakers

With Scripture in hand and a sense of wonder at God's grandeur, we invite you to a 30-day exploration of God's Word. We pray that creation's splendor will draw you nearer to your Creator and renew your awareness of the privilege you have in serving as God's caretaker.


We'd like to thank The Stewardship Council, creators of the NIV Stewardship Study Bible, for the structure of the 30 Days For Creation's Caretakers plan. For more information about this plan, the NIV Stewardship Study BIble, or hundreds of stewardship resources, please visit their site at www.stewardshipcouncil.net/