Biblex: The Historical Books预览

Biblex: The Historical Books


LEARN: Watch the video to solidify your understanding of this study's content.

1. The historical books record the activities of God in the lives of the Israelites and the history of their faithfulness to God. How would you describe the history of God in your life?

2. In the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, God used kings who worshiped other gods to accomplish His will. How does that shape your thinking about who and what God can use to accomplish His will?

3. Ezra and Nehemiah faced great opposition when they sought the will of God. How do we encourage God’s will and accomplishments in the lives of others?

4. The people who opposed the rebuilding of the Temple and the walls viewed the projects through a selfish lens, thinking only of what it would cost them. In what ways do we oppose God’s activity in other’s lives because of our selfish desires?

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Biblex: The Historical Books

In this BibleX study, you will explore the historical books of Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Daniel, Esther, Ezra, and Nehemiah. You will study portions of Scripture, learn the key points by viewing a short video, and grow by applying the Scripture’s teachings to your life. BibleX is a free resource to help expand your knowledge of the Bible.
