Life For The Innocent | A Study For The Fatherless, Widow, Orphan, & Oppressed预览

Life For The Innocent | A Study For The Fatherless, Widow, Orphan, & Oppressed


Creatively Restoring Human Flourishing

Music, art, innovation, and creativity have the ability to capture people’s attention. The ingenious works of our hands have the ability to speak loudly when our words might offend and fall useless; and to explore things in ways that are thought-provoking, convicting, and stirring to our affections.

Bono of U2 understands this relationship between creativity, content, and cause. Take for example his global exploits in fighting AIDS. Bono releases the beautiful sounds of U2’s historic and iconic music onto the streets and into the slums of third world countries, and when the world takes notice and buys tickets to listen, Bono drops the stage's curtain, with all its glitz and glamor, to reveal the death and destruction of AIDS. The beauty of his creativity catches the world’s attention, and then mobilizes them to take notice of a cause.

Causes are the currency of our day, not money! The works of our hands should be filled with messages not merely to line our pockets, but to do what Jesus told us to do, serve the least of these. This is part of what God commissioned Adam to do in the Garden. God told Adam to cultivate the uninhabitable parts of the wilderness, unfit for beauty, and turn them into beautiful gardens of flourishing and production.

This is what our Make Jesus Culture Conference is all about. We want to mobilize Jesus’ creative body in the darkest parts of the world to turn unfit darkness and “uninhabitable wilderness” into beautiful testimonies of human flourishing and beautiful dignity. Our vision includes our focus on the cause of human trafficking, but we are mobilizing projects that are inclusive of issues beyond just this one in particular. 

We have brought together 150+ of the most vibrant and interesting innovators from all realms of society from over 70 countries to speak about how our creativity can build up the church in its worship, and can engage our hurting world in meaningful mission. 

To learn about how you can help in rescuing thousands of children in Asia from human trafficking by placing them in churches and adoptive families, visit our Make Jesus Culture Conference  and The Garden City Project. 

计划天: 7


Life For The Innocent | A Study For The Fatherless, Widow, Orphan, & Oppressed

Without the Gospel, we are all fatherless, widowed, orphaned, and oppressed. This study helps us acknowledge who we are without God and respond in thankfulness to him for his grace in saving us. 
