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Hollywood Prayer Network On Domestic Violence預覽

Hollywood Prayer Network On Domestic Violence



“You have a right against any forms of domestic violence. Protect your life. Protect your family and loved ones. Mutual respect and love are main keys to avoid violence." Angelica Hopes    

PRAY:  Dear Lord, I do not want to be overcome by evil. I want to overcome evil with good. I need You to give me a bigger perspective on my situation and help me to act wisely, with strength and yet with truth and goodness. I need You to protect me from evil so that I am not overwhelmed, and give me Your grace to respond with dignity and discernment, so I can get out of danger. That is only possible with You. I pray this in Jesus' name. 
REFLECT:  Have you noticed that when you are overwhelmed in any situation where you are not in control, you are more tempted to do evil - just like someone in your house may be doing? So, we need the Lord to overcome evil with good. We need encouragement and hope! And we need Him to guide us, strengthen us and give us wisdom and discernment so that we will be empowered with a confidence that only He can give us, even as our spouse or family member is acting in evil. That's a very delicate balance when we are in the midst of adversity. But with God, nothing is impossible!
ACT:  Are you overcome by evil in a situation where you are a victim? Are you being mistreated by anyone, in any way? Are you overcoming evil with good or are you tempted to lash back, react with anger, or do something wrong in order to stop the wrong that's being done to you? Write down what your spouse has said or done to you in full detail, and add anything that threatens your well-being. If your children are involved then write that down as well. Define what that is and immediately get help and/or advice from a mature Christian, a counselor, a parent, a friend, or a professional, so that you won't do evil in your state of feeling overwhelmed. You need protection and wise, scriptural counsel. Show them what you've written. You need to define the evil in order to be clearer on how you or others need to respond to it with good. But that doesn't mean you can't be tough.
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Domestic Violence

We chose to tackle this difficult issue because, “Domestic violence affects one in three women and one in four men, globally.” A friend, who is a recovering victim, helped with this devotional. We are praying you can get free of being a victim of domestic violence, or you will help a loved one get free. Please forward this to any friend or family member whom you know may need help!
