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The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan


Joy and Peace

On the religious calendar today is Maundy Thursday—the day we celebrate what occurred at the Lord’s final supper with the disciples. We’ve been around that table for a few days now.

Think about some of the things we’ve read already that took place around that table. What has been most significant for you?

Let’s continue listening in on the final things Jesus said to the disciples.

Read John 16:16-33.

Sometimes I feel as confused as the disciples when reading Jesus’ words. I have to fight to slow down until His point becomes clearer.

As you read through this passage what are the two main things Jesus said we would have in Him?

I remember before I became a Christian people would talk about this peace and joy we would have in the Lord as if they were trying to close the deal on my salvation. I was confused by the peace and joy I saw in many followers of Christ—it seemed forced; almost contrived.

After I became a Christian I realized that it was in fact a façade many felt they had to put up. Knowing that we are to have peace and joy in Christ we plaster on the smiles, praise hands and “I’m blessed” responses. There isn’t a place for struggle.

In this passage Jesus is clear that we will have hard times, we will struggle. Those things can’t be avoided. There is great freedom in realizing this. No one has it together; no one’s life is perfect. However, “your sorrow will turn to joy” (verse 20) and “in me you may have peace” (verse 33).

Why will our sorrow become joy and we find peace? (Re-read verse 33)

What joy! What peace! Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, said that He has overcome the world!

The peace that He gives is defined in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.” The peace of God looks different than the world portrays. In this passage Jesus says peace is found in the Holy Spirit.

My challenge to you today is that you seek Him to alone to find peace in whatever trial you face. Find your joy in Him. It will be found. Jesus said in John 16:24, “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”

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The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan

今年的聖週(也就是復活節前一週),讓我們放緩腳步,從基督在地上最後這幾天的經歷中學習功課。 每一天我們將領受祂精心預備的功課或禮物。你是否須要被提醒基督最在乎的是什麼?祂豈不是希望你愛祂的百姓,並跟隨祂嗎?祂在今年的聖週希望你學習什麼功課呢?


我們很感謝 Sacred Holidays 創辦人貝姬 ‧ 基斯爾(Becky Kiser)提供這個靈修計劃。若想獲得更多資訊,請前往
