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The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan



Today is an interesting day with little to no record of what occurred. Silence.

Have you ever found yourself confused by the silence of God? Uncertain what His next move might be?

You aren’t alone. The wait and ways of God are often indiscernible in the moment. Isaiah 55:8-9 confirms this, “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares he Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’”

Those days and details that are left out of the recordings in the Bible always peak my curiosity. What were the people doing? Thinking? Feeling?

Today I want us to put ourselves in their place, a Psalm that was likely familiar to them is all we will read today:

Read Psalm 139.

Now take some time and let God search you and know you.


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The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan

今年的聖週(也就是復活節前一週),讓我們放緩腳步,從基督在地上最後這幾天的經歷中學習功課。 每一天我們將領受祂精心預備的功課或禮物。你是否須要被提醒基督最在乎的是什麼?祂豈不是希望你愛祂的百姓,並跟隨祂嗎?祂在今年的聖週希望你學習什麼功課呢?


我們很感謝 Sacred Holidays 創辦人貝姬 ‧ 基斯爾(Becky Kiser)提供這個靈修計劃。若想獲得更多資訊,請前往
