From Potential to Promise: A 5 Day Devotional on the Life of Moses預覽
Our Identity is made up of many things including our biological, mental, emotional, social, familial, experiential, and physical journeys. For Moses, he had radically changed his whole geography and life due to one unwise decision.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill
Moses went from being a prince to a pastor, from being superior to a shepherd. The Moses we meet after 40 years of living in this remote region is very different from the Moses who attacked the Egyptian. He may well have given up on his potential to be the rescuer of his people, but God had not forgotten.
It’s a rare moment in scripture when God calls someone’s name twice. It always indicates that something of urgency and great importance is about to take place. In every biblical case, when someone's name was called twice it was a seismic shift in the interventions of God in human activity. For Moses at this moment, the only proper response was to acknowledge that he was utterly powerless and unworthy in the Presence of the Most High. He covers his face and removes his sandals, he stands before God with nothing to bring except himself, which is all God wanted.
Do you notice that earlier Moses heard the mocking and cynical voices of his own enslaved people asking ‘Who made you a ruler?’ But this time it’s his own inner voice that rebels against the clear direction and calling of God. He verbalizes the fear which fills his heart: ‘Who am I to even be in the presence of Pharaoh? And who am I to lead anyone?’
Most of us struggle with the same resistance and excuses that Moses did that assault our potential. We find it hard to go, but there is an inherit ‘go’ in the Gospel. The words of God remain true today: ‘Now go!’ In order to get the courage to go, Moses had to: draw near to God, hear His voice, experience His heart, and learn His purpose. So, if you have never drawn near to God before, today is the best time to begin.
All of us have potential and promise, but ‘potential’ is not enough. The journey of Moses highlights just how challenging it can be to pursue the Promise. Before God can do things through us, He wants to do things in us. As Moses discovered, we can choose to wrestle with God's ways or Surrender to Him. Join us for a 5-day Devotional looking at Moses’ journey from potential to promise.