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Seasons of Change預覽

Seasons of Change


From Judges to Kings

Have you ever heard of “liminal space”?

It’s this great term for “transition.” Kind of like the space between spaces. Liminal space can be both physical and immaterial. One website describes it this way: “Liminal space is the uncertain transition between where you've been and where you're going physically, emotionally, or metaphorically. To be in a liminal space means to be on the precipice of something new but not quite there yet. The word ‘liminal’ comes from the Latin word ‘limen,’ which means threshold.”

We can all relate to this idea. It’s a place of both opportunity and fear. Excitement and trepidation. It is the time when the reality of change has been accepted, but the change itself has not yet occurred.

Does the idea of liminal space excite you or scare you? The unknown can be nerve-wracking for a reason, but sometimes the new can be full of promise.

The books of 1 and 2 Samuel represent something of a “liminal space” in the history of God’s people. In their national history, Israel is still in the time of the judges, Samson being the last recorded judge. We’ve previously explored Israel's dramatic downward spiral during this time; the book of Judges ends with a story that compares the nation’s character with that of Sodom and Gomorrah.

It's into this space that the story of Samuel comes. A nation falling apart and falling away. Samuel will be the next and final judge to step into Israel’s leadership. His miraculous birth and dedication to the Lord remind us of Samson (both men were Nazirites), and we wonder if Samuel’s story will be different.

This week, we will explore the book of 1 Samuel, engaging the transition of Israel from the age of judges to the age of kings. We will spend two days with each of the main characters—Samuel, Saul, and David—seeing both things to emulate and things to avoid as men of God. As Hannah’s prayer does, we will remind ourselves that God knows our deeds and judges accordingly.

Prayer: God, thank You for recording so many of Your interactions in the history of humanity. Prepare my heart and mind this week to see the men You have used in Your plan of revelation and redemption. Give me a mind to understand and a heart to change to follow You better. Amen.

Reflection: What space is God transitioning you in right now? Where is He working in your life, and what is He asking of you?

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Seasons of Change

This week, we will explore the book of 1 Samuel, engaging the transition of Israel from the age of judges to the age of kings. We will spend two days with each of the main characters—Samuel, Saul, and David—seeing both things to emulate and things to avoid as men of God.

