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Seasons of Change預覽

Seasons of Change


Even the Best Have Faults

This has been a short week in a book that deserves more than a month.

We have seen the successes and failures of Samuel, Saul, and David (one of David’s failures is today’s text). Hopefully, you have been able to spend the time in Scripture to read through the entire book of 1 Samuel this week.

1 Samuel is one of the great turning points in God’s program of redemption. Introducing the kingship in Israel was a vital necessity for understanding who Jesus would be. Jesus would be, and will be, the perfect King. All those who preceded Him suffered under the human condition of sin.

David, for all his great humility and trust in God, still wrestled with a temper. His anger was dangerous and lethal.

During his time running from Saul, David provided protection for some villagers. He and his men protected their livestock from marauders and thieves. David made a simple request: some food to celebrate. Nabal, who himself suffered from a variety of human foibles, decided that he needn’t give David and his men anything. His response was so dismissive that it threw David into a rage.

David’s pride had been wounded. His dignity was assaulted. And his response was immediate and terrifying. David called all his men to arms and set out to destroy everything in Nabal’s house. If not for the intervention of Nabal’s wife, Abigail, David would have followed through.

We are constantly battling our baser urges, constantly fighting against what the flesh may cry out for men to do. Sometimes, in His grace, God sends an Abigail to dissuade us from our course of action. Sometimes, the presence of the Spirit calms our spirit and guides us in a better direction.

The biggest question for us is whether we will listen.

David heard Abigail’s plea. It was the opportunity for humility to regain control of his actions.

May we cultivate humility that allows us to hear wisdom and follow its call.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I want to hear Your words and Your heart. Help me cultivate a heart of humility that listens when Your wisdom is spoken. Help me fight the pride and fallen nature that so often threaten to derail me. Amen.

Reflection: How do you handle change? Are you open to being redirected by the Lord?

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Seasons of Change

This week, we will explore the book of 1 Samuel, engaging the transition of Israel from the age of judges to the age of kings. We will spend two days with each of the main characters—Samuel, Saul, and David—seeing both things to emulate and things to avoid as men of God.

