"Die Ander Ses" Oordenking ReeksVoorbeeld

"The Other Six" Devotional Series

DAG 40 VAN 40

Inviting People to Church // Section 2: Talking to Your Friends about Jesus

The first disciples wouldn’t have really been considered disciples if they hadn’t actually done what Jesus told them to do with the knowledge they had. In the same way, we must show that we are His disciples by ‘bearing fruit’ which simply means reproducing the salvation we have in other people by bringing them into God’s presence and allowing Him to change them. Saved people save people!

Practical Steps: Congratulations on making it through this 40-day Journey! Don’t let this be the end – hopefully you’ve established a type of routine in your morning to include this devotional.

Dag 39

Aangaande hierdie leesplan

"The Other Six" Devotional Series

Hierdie leesplan van 40 dae is opgestel om Christene leiding te gee oor wat dit beteken om Jesus te volg - nie net op 'n Sondag nie, maar ook op ‘Die Ander Ses’ dae van die week.


We would like to thank Journey Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://JRNY.church