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21 Days After CampSample

21 Days After Camp

DAY 18 OF 21

The Will of God

If you have a smart phone, chances are you have used Google maps for directions. What would we do without it today!? It tells you a step-by-step process to get to the destination you desire. It tells you how long it will take you to get there and if there are any detours along the way. Don’t you wish the will of God was that simple?

It may not be that simple, but it’s not as hard as we make it. One similarity to this app and the will of God is when you press, “Go”, it stops showing you the destination (the big picture) and it only gives you the turn by turn directions you need for the moment. It’s the step-by-step process that God wants us to focus on. Many times, we worry about the destination and God just wants us to just be focused on the turn we are making right now. I heard a preacher say, “Enjoy the journey because the destination is a myth!” 

Thought-provoking, isn’t it? I find that to be so liberating; if we do our part, He will do the rest. When Jesus is your partner, make your plans big! Furthermore, when you make a wrong turn in the maps app, it will tell you it’s “recalculating”. Usually there are always other options to get to your destination. There may be times we get sidetracked or go on a detour. I’m glad God doesn't just cancel the route we are on, but his Grace is full of second chances! If we believe that, “All things work together for those who love him and are called according to His purpose”, He is able to use it for our good.

Could it be that God’s will is found in the mundane, every day decisions we have in life? 

Stay close to his presence so you can hear his voice. Are you wondering what God’s will is for your life? You can find His will in your passions, skills, and what you find joy in doing to serve the Kingdom of God. This would be a good start in looking at your long-term purpose for your life. Does it bring glory to God or is just for selfish gain?
What is God asking you to do today that you have been putting off?
What do you need to trust God with today to help fulfill your God-given purpose?

How does offering your body to God connect with the future that God has for you? 


Day 17Day 19