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21 Days After CampSample

21 Days After Camp

DAY 21 OF 21

Seek the Giver Not the Gift.

I used to love getting a gift from my uncle every time he visited me as a child. He came every single month and brought me a $20 bill. I remember when my mother would tell me that “Uncle Peter” was coming. I would get excited and think about the $20 bill he would lay in my hand. He would pull up into the driveway of our home and I would run out to him and hold out my hand. Then one day, to my dismay, when he came he didn’t hand me the money right away. I looked at him and asked, “Uncle Peter, where is my money?” He looked at me and said “Are you only excited that I am here because of what I am giving you?” This really upset me because I loved my uncle, but I realized that I was looking more for the gift and not the giver of the gift. 

Sometimes at camp or conference we can focus so much on the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit that we forget about the GIVER of those gifts and that is the Holy Spirit Himself! Many people stand at an altar and ask, “Let me speak in tongues”, or “Let me prophecy” and God is asking for us to just wait for the PROMISE of the Holy Spirit and the gifts will follow with speaking in tongues being the initial gift to show up. It is so important as Christians that we don’t lose focus on the Holy Spirit who gives us our gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. 

Today in your prayer time, don’t seek the gift, but instead just seek the Giver of the gifts and let this be your prayer: “Holy Spirit I want You and all I want is to be in Your Presence.”

Day 20