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21 Days After CampSample

21 Days After Camp

DAY 1 OF 21

It’s Not an Appointment

Going on dates with my daughter was one of my favorite things to do when she was young. Even if we didn’t do anything special, it was fun being with her. We could go get ice cream, go to a movie, or just go walk around, and I always enjoyed it. The reason I liked it so much was I just wanted to be with her because she was my daughter and I loved her. 

For many of us, spending time with God is difficult because we see it as an appointment. We view our devotion time as a scheduled event and not a chance to be with God who is our father and who loves us. How we see our time with God makes a big difference on how important it is in our life. Romans 8:31-34 shows us that our devotion time is more than just an appointment. 

God wants a relationship with us (v. 31)

We can spend time with God knowing that He wants to spend time with us! He believes in us, not because He must, but because He wants to.

God picked us (v. 33)

God chose us for His own. He picked us out and said He wanted to be in a relationship. He proved that He wanted a relationship by coming as a man to reach out to us.

God makes us clean (v. 34)

Our sin is a problem that no one else can fix. God fixed the problem. He paid for our sins through His death and promises new life by the resurrection. 

These are facts and are not based on how we feel today or tomorrow. We can spend time with God because these are true. My daughter never ran out of my presence and refused to spend time with me because she was “unworthy.” Let’s quit allowing excuses or feelings to come between us and our time with God.
What do you do next? Make a set regular time to spend with God. This isn’t an appointment like with your principal, this is a time you have made because God is important to you. Take time to talk to God and bring your Bible and something to write on and let him speak to you. These are the two biggest parts of spending time with God. 

Day 2