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21 Days After CampSample

21 Days After Camp

DAY 9 OF 21

Kingdom Authority 

Do you remember the name of the 15th President? How about the 16th? Many of us remember the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln – before him was James Buchanan. Why are we more likely to remember Lincoln but not Buchanan? It has to do with authority and power. They both held the same constitutional authority, they both held the same office, but one more fully exercised the power of his office. 

Jesus had authority and power. Jesus didn’t reserve his authority and power to Himself alone, but when He appointed the twelve, He sent them out to preach and to have all the authority that He had.

In the same way, Jesus gives us His authority, so we can give it away. In Matthew 10:7, the Greek word for ‘Kingdom’ is basilia – translated as the idea of authority. So, the message Jesus was proclaiming is, “Go preach, because the AUTHORITY of heaven is here!” It’s a game changer when we realize that God has given us the full authority of Heaven. The same idea is in Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom (the authority) of heaven.” Jesus commissioned us to go, but He sends us with the authority to preach and see signs and wonders happen. And it comes when we realize we have nothing to give other than what has been given to us.

God has commissioned us to GO – tell the lost about Jesus, pray for and heal the sick, and cast out demons. But He hasn’t sent us empty-handed, He has given us the authority to do it! 

How can you activate the authority given to you? Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to someone you can pray for or that you can share Jesus with. Walk in the Authority of Heaven today.

Day 8Day 10