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21 Days After CampSample

21 Days After Camp

DAY 10 OF 21

Living on Mission on Your Campus

When I was in high school (yes, in the 80’s - we INVENTED skinny jeans) I was about a C student and a very nominal Christian. Yes, I had prayed the prayer. Yes, I went to church three times a week. Yes, I attended every camp, youth convention, and Fine Arts. But, guess what I did not do? I did not live my life as though I had a mission to accomplish. I allowed myself to be intimidated by people… friends, non-friends, teachers, coaches. As a result, I fell into the trap of trying to please the people around me, depending on the situation. At school, I tried to please school people. At church, I tried to please church people. And then I tried to please God… when I remembered to. Trust me, I was living a very average, “C” life.

What Paul is talking about in Colossians 3:23 is something completely different, however. What would your life look like if you lived every day on your school campus with a missional mindset? Why study for tests and do homework? Because you want your teachers to know that someone who loves Jesus has integrity. Why be the one who stands up for those being bullied? Because you want justice for those who are oppressed and bullied. Why do you not engage in social media gossip? Because you desire to spread the Gospel of Christ rather than the gossip of that day. Keep it simple. In other words, whatever you find yourself doing on your campus, do it with one mission in mind: you are doing it for and with Jesus!

At the start of each day as you walk on your campus, take a moment and pray that the Holy Spirit would bless your day and bring you opportunities to be Jesus to someone. Determine now that this school year will be one lived on mission. 

Day 9Day 11