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21 Days After CampSample

21 Days After Camp

DAY 4 OF 21

Bailing Water!

Growing up, I loved to go canoeing. One time while camping with a friend, our canoe began taking on water. At first, it wasn’t a big deal. Before long, we realized the boat was sinking lower in the water and the water was rising in the boat. We started bailing water as fast as we could before the boat sank. We worked our way to dry ground, so we could repair the boat.

As most of you know, boats were made to be in the water. However, water is not supposed to be in the boat. There is a cliché that pastors use a lot that says, “Be in the world, not of it.” It’s a phrase that reminds us of the numerous scriptures that tell us not to love the things or ways of the world (1 John 2:15-17) and that our life in Christ is a transformed life by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). 

Allowing old, sinful ways back into our life is like allowing water into the boat. If not dealt with, they will sink you. As we live in this world, our life should reflect Christ. We aren’t perfect; however, our actions and life should show that we are becoming more like Christ. We must continually work towards complete holiness because we have this love for God who sent His only Son to die for our sins and help make us holy.

What things are still in your life that may be sinking your boat? I challenge you to find a strong Christian leader and tell them. Allow them to speak into your life and to help mentor and disciple you as you grow in Christ.

Day 3Day 5