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21 Days After CampSample

21 Days After Camp

DAY 6 OF 21

Fearless Faith

Have you ever made a decision that, based on the facts, was a little crazy? Maybe you told someone you would do something that you didn’t know how to do, or offered to give someone something that you didn’t have or couldn’t afford. A friend of mine told me about a time when God spoke to him to give his car away. Not only was that crazy because his car was worth a lot of money, but he also didn’t own it yet. He was still making monthly payments on it. But the more he prayed, the more God told him to have faith and trust Him. So that week, he went to his friend and gave him the truck. He went home scared - knowing that he would still have to make payments on this truck and that he couldn’t afford to do that and get something new. But the next day, a distant relative sent him the exact amount of cash that he owed on the truck. It was a miracle- God provided! To step out in faith, we have to step over fear!

This is similar to the story in 1 Kings 17 with the young widow. God tells her she’s going to provide for a stranger when she didn’t have enough to provide for herself or her family! She only had enough food to make her and her son one more meal before they would starve to death. But as God spoke to her, she was filled with faith and obeyed God, even when she wasn’t sure how she or her son would survive. But we can be confident in our faith, knowing that when we step out in faith, God steps out in power!

When you read this story about the widow, look at your own life and see if you are living with the same fearless faith; Not concerned about where your next meal will come from, if you’ll have enough money, or what people will think about you! Worldly behavior is based on facts, but Godly behavior is based on faith! Our faith comes from hearing the word of God, so begin to listen. Allow God to speak to you daily and as He does, obey Him! Each time you do this, you’re living more and more by faith!

Make time today to listen to God. What is he asking you to do? What is one thing that you can do today that requires faith? Do it

Day 5Day 7