What is discipleship?
Disciple isn’t a word that we use very much in the 21st century, but basically, Jesus was choosing His apprentices. He handpicked 12 guys to help Him eventually carry on His mission. During three years of training, the disciples were fully immersed in the life of Jesus. Not only did they witness the craziest miracles you can imagine, they actually participated in them. Jesus gave the disciples power to do everything He was doing and sent them out to preach and to heal the sick. Jesus takes Peter and two other disciples up to a mountain to see Him transfigured. The glory of God bursts from within Him and the disciples fall to the ground blinded. The word transfiguration comes from a Greek word that means metamorphosis, which is the process of becoming something new without compromising what has always been.
Much like Jesus was transformed, we are being changed too. Discipleship is less about becoming something different and more about revealing something already inside of you. Discipleship is a transforming relationship with Jesus that will take you beyond a mountaintop experience and into the daily fullness of who He has created you to be. Discipleship is about unlocking the great things God has already put in your life, as well as helping you grow into a more brilliant reflection of who Jesus is.
How has God transformed people you know?
What are you becoming with God’s help?
About this Plan
God never intended faith to be complicated. Uncomplicated is a study designed to help guide you through many of the big questions about faith. These questions are really important and they don't have to be as confusing as many of us have made them. There are already so many things in life that are overwhelming and complicated. Faith shouldn't be complicated, it should be simple.