What is the Bible?
Over the span of 1600 years, God used over 40 different people to write the 66 books that would become the Bible. Kings, peasants, farmers, fishermen, poets, and war heroes were all inspired by God as the Author to write what has become the best- selling book of all time.
We should be people that hang on every word from God just like Jesus did. Even in His most dire temptation, He used God’s Word to fend off the devil. The devil waited until Jesus was at His most vulnerable moment before he tempted Him. Jesus answered by quoting the Bible to the devil. Jesus is God and He still leans on the Bible for strength. The Bible isn’t something we add to our spiritual life; it is the foundation of our spiritual life. It is God’s way of preparing us and strengthening us.
Just like with Jesus, there are seasons of testing and temptation in our lives. Usually they find us in our weakest moments . . . when we are tired, alone, stressed, and running on empty. Deepening your understanding of the Bible will strengthen you for the challenges ahead and give you purpose for every season of life.
In your experience, how has reading the Bible impacted your faith? How can you ensure that God’s Word is in your heart when you need it?
About this Plan
God never intended faith to be complicated. Uncomplicated is a study designed to help guide you through many of the big questions about faith. These questions are really important and they don't have to be as confusing as many of us have made them. There are already so many things in life that are overwhelming and complicated. Faith shouldn't be complicated, it should be simple.