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GO2020 | ENGAGE: March Week 2 — CARESample

GO2020 | ENGAGE: March Week 2 — CARE

DAY 3 OF 7


March 10—We Understand Our Own Hardships


2 Corinthians 1:3-5


No one goes out looking for hardships. We try to avoid at all cost financial problems, relational issues, and physical ailments. Yet, it is through those very hardships (sufferings) that God wants to work in us. One way is to give us a heart that is soft and receptive to others who are going through what we have experienced. We don’t go out shopping for trials, but we can be sure that God will bring good from them and enable us to provide comfort for others who may be less prepared to deal with their sufferings.


Read today’s Scripture passage. Say or write it out in your own words, considering the following questions:

· What does it say about God?

· What does it say about us?

· Is there a promise to trust?

· Is there a command to obey?

· How will I apply this Scripture to my life?

· Who will I show that I care by sharing this truth?


Now read this week’s memory verse, Romans 12:15. Spend a few minutes working to memorize it.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

GO2020 | ENGAGE: March Week 2 — CARE

As Christians we are called to enter into the lives of others—to be with them in their triumphs and trials. This is not a call to fake it, acting like we care when we don’t, but rather to possess an authentic delight or a genuine empathy, whatever the situation calls for.
