Walking With Jesus Sample
It’s wild to think about the timeline that led to the Last Supper. Jesus went from raising his friend Lazarus from the dead just 6 days before the Passover celebration began to the very next day being celebrated by a large crowd who took palm branches and shouted “Hosanna." They adored and praised Jesus on his way to Jerusalem and yet He was carrying the burden of knowing what was to come.
The timeline is truly amazing. But here is what gets me - despite all Jesus had going on, despite what He knew was coming, Jesus, the Son of Man, continued to SERVE! Jesus never lost sight of the mission. And not only that, he took on the lowliest most disgusting position, what the lowest of servants had to do back in Jesus’ time and washed his disciples’ feet. Why would he do that?
We live in a culture of ME-FIRST. But that isn’t discipleship.That isn’t servant leadership. That isn’t what Jesus modeled. What does he call us to do?
He calls us to serve. Jesus understood that greatest are those who serve.
Today’s Scripture:John 13:1-17, Philippians 2:3-8, Matthew 20:25-28
Pray. Ask God to reveal to you His truths as you read His Word. Don’t skip this important step.
Read: As you read ask the “5 W’s and an H” questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Daily Challenge: Serve someone today to give, not to get, as a way to honor God. Pray for the right opportunity and watch God move in and through you.