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Bible Explorer for the Young (Mark)Sample

Bible Explorer for the Young (Mark)

DAY 3 OF 9

Which One Are You? 

Matthew 13:37

And He said, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man”

The seed that fell on the path was eaten by the birds. This illustrates people who do not really pay attention to God’s words. They physically attend the service at church, listening to the sermon, but as soon as it ends, they easily forget all they have heard.

The seed that fell on rocky ground sprang up quickly but did not last long because it had no root. This illustrates people who receive God's word with joy, but it is not deeply rooted inside their heart. When they face some problems, they easily turn away from the truth and choose their own way. 

The seed that fell among the thorny weeds grew, but they were choked by the thorns and did not bear grain. This illustrates people who listen to the word of God and put it inside their heart but do not apply it in their lives. Instead, worldly pleasure and worries become the centre of their lives.

The seed that fell on the good soil grew and produced a crop. This illustrates people who listen to God’s word. They take the time to nurture their faith and daily put God’s word into practice. They spread His word to the world. This is where God wants us to be. 

Which one are you? 


Dear God, I want to read the Bible and pray every day. I will also do Your word and share Your word with my friends. Amen. 

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Bible Explorer for the Young (Mark)

This plan will guide young readers through the Bible daily. New understanding will be revealed through the concise and child-friendly devotional. Children will understand that every part of the Bible is meaningful and relevant to their lives. Ultimately, this devotional will guide them to live daily in God's way.
