Prayers From PrisonSample

The Prayer of Grace and Peace
I think it would be safe to say we’ve all had a couple of challenging years recently. God wants to walk in grace and peace regardless of our circumstances. We have the choice to be at peace and operate in grace or we can choose the opposite and operate from fear.
What does that mean to walk in grace and peace? The perfect illustration of this is like sailing. These large racing sailboats are equipped with engines most of the time. The reason is when you’re sailing into the wind you have an engine propelling you. It’s the same thing when we operate in pride rather than humility. We are pushing against every force and operating in the flesh and our emotions rather than the Spirit. But when we turn around and the wind is at our back, we can cut off the engine of pride and open the sail of humility. Soon enough, we find ourselves cruising through life effortlessly and at peace.
The bible says in James that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Grace is the force that produces peace in our lives but it requires humility. It requires us to admit when we are wrong. It will require us to be quick to apologize. It requires us to keep no record of wrongs towards others. Humility will require us to lay down our opinion to receive grace from our great God. Life gets better when we operate in grace and peace. Today's scripture is the Apostle Paul’s first prayer for us.
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