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DAY 8 OF 8


The disciples had watched Jesus heal more people than they could count, and each miracle revealed more of their master’s unlimited power. No Lasik surgery or physical therapy required — just a touch from Jesus, and perfect vision was restored and lame people walked.

And now they were challenged — called — to do even greater things.

Jesus gave a lot of instructions, but He never once commanded His followers to be spectators. He was calling them to action, and what He had in mind was so much more than miracles. He was calling them to revolutionize the world through the power of the gospel.

By everyone’s standards, the disciples were the “B Team.” The second string. They weren’t preachers with PhDs. Many of them were young tradesmen, but God used them to “turn the world upside down.” (Acts 17:6)

The entire book of Acts details how the disciples preached and saw thousands receive salvation and get baptized. We read of the miracles God did through them, the social barriers they broke, and the revival they started that couldn’t be contained. Of course, there were prison stays and persecution too (seriously — you should read the book of Acts). But they were always moving between miracles as they set out to spread the good news they carried.

It wasn’t just greater — it was more than any of them could have asked or imagined for their lives because it was more than miracles. It was the power of the gospel at work.

Their goal was never to turn their world upside down. It was to give people the hope of Jesus.

If you follow Jesus — like, really follow Him — miracles should follow you. Now, that doesn’t mean everything will always go smooth and be easy (remember — no mess, no miracle). But it does mean you can live with anticipation for what God is going to do next.

So take a play from the disciples’ book:

  1. Spend quality time with God. Remember, they spent three years walking, talking, and eating with Him. Seek His face before you ever look for His hand.
  2. Get connected with other like-minded people. Fuel each other to do greater things.
  3. Speak it before you see it. The miracle usually begins in your mouth, so pray bold prayers and speak life over yourself and those around you.

Think about it: We’re still experiencing today what God did through the disciples back then. The church you attend and the Bible you read can be traced back to those early followers.

Now, imagine what God wants to do through you.

Day 7

About this Plan


Jesus did incredible things during His time on earth. And before He left, He said we would do even greater things after He was gone. That’s a huge promise coming from the One who walked on water and conquered death. But with God, what if we really are capable of more than we imagine? What if we have the power to change the world? What if greater things are ahead?
