Promises in Receiving ChristSample
Promise 7: You are given wisdom to know how to live & what to do
Sometimes you face difficulties or trials that puzzle you. You simply do not know what to do or how to resolve the problems. You need wisdom, a very special wisdom, to handle the situations. Once you receive Christ, you are given one of the most amazing resources imaginable: God’s very own presence and wisdom. If you lack wisdom—if you do not know what to do or how to handle a difficulty or trial—ask God. You are His child, His son or daughter, and He cares for you. He wants to help you through all the difficult situations that confront you. In fact, God invites you to come to Him to ask for wisdom. And when you sincerely ask, He will fulfill these three wonderful promises:
- He will give you wisdom.
- He will give you a liberal amount, an abundance of wisdom.
- He will not reproach or rebuke you—not scold you—for not knowing how to handle the trial or temptation. The idea is that God will not even question you for lacking wisdom or for not knowing what to do. God is your Father, and He wants to meet your every need. Simply ask Him and He will hear your request and your cry. He will give you the wisdom to conquer the difficulties and problems, the trials and temptations of life.
About this Plan
New to relationship with Jesus? Or having doubts about His goodness? This study answers what it means to be in relationship with Christ and focuses on all the promises He has made to us as believers. Learn what He promises and why it is important to reinforce our hearts in times of doubt.