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He Was Born For This - Preparing For Christmas Series #3Muestra

He Was Born For This - Preparing For Christmas Series #3

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Messiah would bring a New Covenant

Thoughts on the Passage

What was the need for a new covenant?

God said a new covenant was needed because the old covenant did not change people’s heart. It was a wonderful and powerful covenant, but it lacked the ability to bring change – and compliance with the covenant. So a new covenant was needed. This covenant would bring change to our hearts and minds. It also enabled God to do much more than the old covenant – He could release forgiveness.

Jesus talked about His blood sealing the covenant. For this covenant, blood was shed to ensure that it would not be broken – or the person responsible for breaking the covenant must die. Jesus did two things. First, He died because the old covenant was broken – God Himself took responsibility for the first covenant being broken by mankind. Second, the second covenant was sealed with the blood of Jesus. He was telling us that it would never be broken. The releasing of forgiveness and giving us a new heart was part of this new covenant – and it will never be broken.

Time to Pray

Father, I am so thankful for Jesus. He paid the price for the first covenant being broken by mankind. We should have died for breaking it, but Jesus became man – and took the price for man’s failure. Also, He died – as the blood sacrifice for the second covenant. What a powerful promise to us! We are forgiven – and never need to worry about our sin again. He gave us a new heart – and I never have to go back to the old way of living again. Help me to walk in my forgiveness. Help me to strengthen this new heart. In Jesus’ Name Amen. 

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He Was Born For This - Preparing For Christmas Series #3

God prepared the world for Jesus the Messiah right from the very beginning. He made sure His world knew ahead of time that the Messiah was coming. This is 3 of 3 devotionals that give the prophetic pronouncements of the Messiah – and how they were fulfilled. This devotional shows the prophecies of Jesus that give His mission and that He was “born for this."
