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He Was Born For This - Preparing For Christmas Series #3Muestra

He Was Born For This - Preparing For Christmas Series #3

DÍA 6 DE 6

Messiah would be seated at God's Right Hand  

Thoughts on the Passage

God has put all authority in the hands of Jesus the Messiah. This authority covers this world and all of God’s creation. God promised that the Messiah would receive this honor and that everything would be subject to Him. In addition, everything that opposed the Messiah will be forced by God Himself to be subject to the Messiah. Nothing would be allowed to work independent of this authority.

Now we see how God honors the Messiah, Jesus, for His sacrifice in bringing salvation to mankind. There is no greater honor available. All our worship, adoration, celebration, will be directed to Him. All those that oppose Him will be forced to acknowledge Him rule and reign. Everyone that rejects Him will be punished and defeated.

This Messiah can be our Saviour, Lord and Friend. This Messiah can be our Judge and have the power to destroy us. The choice is ours.


Time to Pray

Father, as I read this passage today, I ask that You humble my heart. I ask that nothing in my life be out from under the authority of the Messiah. I desire that everything I say, do, and think always have Jesus in this place – and nothing else be given first place in my life. May I never allow my pride to seek glory that takes anything away from Jesus. He is my Messiah, my Lord, my Saviour – my hope. I cling to that and I want nothing else. In Jesus’ Name Amen. 



Día 5

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He Was Born For This - Preparing For Christmas Series #3

God prepared the world for Jesus the Messiah right from the very beginning. He made sure His world knew ahead of time that the Messiah was coming. This is 3 of 3 devotionals that give the prophetic pronouncements of the Messiah – and how they were fulfilled. This devotional shows the prophecies of Jesus that give His mission and that He was “born for this."
