مطلبی از کرِیْگ و اِیْمی گروْشِل با عنوان «از امروز به بعد»نمونه

Craig & Amy Groeschel’s From This Day Forward

روز 4 از 7

Have Fun

Being engaged can be a lot of fun. It’s full of so much anticipation and excitement, yet it’s such a small window of time in the context of an entire life spent together. How can you carry that fun of courtship, engagement, and the honeymoon into year after year of marriage? How can you have fun when you’re facing financial strains, problems with the kids, or just the normal changing seasons of life? Do you have to keep pursuing your spouse even after you’ve already “caught” them?

Yes! You have to make fun a priority. It may seem like a luxury you can’t afford, but the reality is, it’s a necessary part of having a marriage that goes the distance. Fun is a requirement. And you can choose to have fun with your spouse.

What if someone else’s marriage looks more fun than yours? What if that girl at the bank laughs at your jokes? What if that guy at the office always seems to have better weekend plans? If the grass looks greener somewhere else — water your lawn! Be intentional about intimacy and connectedness. Work to get back to being best friends: laughing together, snuggling, looking to each other for comfort and joy. It may not seem fun to schedule time for fun, but that may be where you need to start. And that relationship is what you want anyway, isn’t it?

Let’s pray together: Father, we repent for the things we’ve allowed to crowd out our time with each other. Help us to make time for down time as a couple. Give us wisdom and creativity to find ways we enjoy being together. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

روز 3روز 5

دربارۀ اين برنامۀ مطالعه

Craig & Amy Groeschel’s From This Day Forward

می‌توانید ازدواج بسیار موفقی داشته باشید. انتخابهایی که امروز می‌کنید، نوع ازدواجی را که در آینده خواهید داشت، مشخص خواهند کرد. کریْگ گروْشِل، شبان کلیسا و نویسندۀ متنهای پرفروش روزنامۀ نیویورک تایمز و همسرش، اِیْمی، به شما نشان خواهند داد چطور پنج نوع تعهد می‌توانند به شما در داشتن ازدواجی مصون از شکست کمک کنند. این تعهدات عبارتند از: خدا را بطلبید، منصفانه مبارزه کنید، تفریح کنید، پاک بمانید و هرگز تسلیم نشوید. از همین حالا- از امروز به بعد- ازدواجی داشته باشید که همیشه دلتان می‌خواست.


بدین‌وسیله از مؤسسات Zondervan، HarperCollins و LifeChurch.tv جهت مهیا ساختن این برنامه تشکر می‌کنیم. جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر، لطفاً از این وب‌سایت دیدن فرمایید: http://www.zondervan.com/from-this-day-forward

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