ترجمه‌های کتاب‌مقدس

Intas-Etipup Mat u Iesu Kristo 1863 (Aneityum Gospels)

Aneityum (Vanuatu)

Aneityum Gospels

The first New Testament in Aneityum was printed in double column format, with chapter headings, published by the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS). It was translated by John Geddie and John Inglis. The translation was taken to England by Mr amp Mrs Inglis who began the work of revision during the voyage, and finished it in England, with the help of Williamu, a national from Aneityum.


In double column format. With chapter headings.

The first edition of the Old Testament in Aneityum. The printing was originally begun at Melbourne, where the first 8 sheets were completed in 1872, when J. Geddie, the press-editor died. These early sheets, comprising Gen.-Lev. xix, were bound up, and issued in 1874. In 1877 J. Inglis brought the whole MS. to England, where it was printed by the BFBS. Volume 2 appeared in 1878, and volume 1 in 1879. To pay for their Bible, the Aneityum Christians raised in all 1,200 pounds, the result of fifteen years' toil at arrowroot cultivation. The Old Testament was translated by John Geddie, John Inglis and J. Copeland.


John Geddie of the United Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia reduced the language to writing. The inscription on Dr Geddie's memorial bears this wonderful testimony: 'When he came to the island in 1848 there was not a single Christian; when he left in 1872 there were no heathen'. Inglis was a missionary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland.


The 1863 NT + the 1878/9 OT in 2 volumes means that we have the whole Bible in Aneityum. They were all published by or with financial help from the British and Foreign Bible Society. The Aneityum Gospels were digitised with the help of MissionAssist in 2006.

British & Foreign Bible Society

ATY1863 ناشر

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