Akara Njirimara YouVersion
Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

© 2018 ALDLS  

Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society 

Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria

Published by 


Nigeria Bible Translation Trust 

No. 7 Old Airport Road 

P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria

ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5 

In cooperation with


Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland

The New Testament in Abuan was originally published 

in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS

YouVersion na-eji kuki gasị iji hazie ahụmịhe gị. Site na iji webụsaịtị anyị eme ihe, ị na-anabata ojiji kuki anyị gasị dịka akọwara na Iwu Anyị Mebere Banyere Ihe Ndị Ahụ Gbasara Ndụ Ndị Mmadụ Nke Ha Na-Achọghị Ka Ọha Mara