Celebrating Hope: Looking Back Stepping Upサンプル

Celebrating Hope: Looking Back Stepping Up

28日中 20日

The Blessing of Trouble

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds. - James 1:2 

We easily see a purpose in the good things that happen to us. How about those things we consider bad? Could bad experiences be prerequisites for the good God has in store for us? Could enemies and opposition be a gateway to opportunity and promotion? And could the level of opposition reveal our calling to something significantly better? 

As a teenager, David moved from obscurity to notoriety by slaying the giant Goliath, who taunted Israel (1 Samuel 17). While the Israelites saw Goliath and his Philistine army as undefeatable opposition, David grasped the opportunity to conquer in God’s strength, and give God the glory. Facing this challenge propelled David forward in his call to leadership and new challenges in his life. David became not only a warrior and king, but God also positioned David as a prophet. As such, he prophesied about the coming of the Savior and His future victory over the opposition: “The LORD says to my lord: ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet’” (Psalm 110:1; Mark 12:36). 

It’s no wonder Scripture tells us, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds” (James 1:2). To “consider it,” we see ourselves blessed and victorious even when troubles and opposition are real. The obstacles we face don’t take us further from God. They develop us in God. —Matthew Hughes


What if the blessings we’ve been praying for are hidden in the troubles we face?

God, help me to see the good that can come now and in the future from my struggles when I entrust myself to You. In spite of difficulties, attacks, and opposition, help me press forward into Your will for my life and purpose. Water me with Your love. 

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Celebrating Hope: Looking Back Stepping Up

Celebrate Hope: Looking Back, Stepping Up is an invitation to find where God has been present with us in difficult days long past and where God is present with us now. Certainly God has been our help in ‘ages past,’ and God remains ‘our hope for years to come.’ Celebrate Hope provides us with this needed reminder and offers us the strength to carry on.
